Real Fitness Equipment™ Blog

Our Low Impact Cardio Workout Can Help You Avoid These Running Injuries
If you’re an avid runner or even someone who enjoys throwing your old running shoes on and pounding the pavement every now and then, then you might be familiar with getting a negative response from a friend when asking if they would like to run with you. Now, we understand that many people don’t enjoy running, and that’s fine. But many people who are actually interested in running might say things like “Oh, it hurts my knees too much, I can’t join you” or “my back is killing me, and every time my foot strikes the ground, it causes too much pain.” In any one of these reasons that someone would give you not to run, “hurt” and “pain” are probably the most common buzzwords. Well, as you may have guessed, The Real Runner™ is here to help!
All The Benefits Of Running Without The Drawbacks
Our unique running machine accurately simulates the running experience without any impact on your body, while still providing a vigorous, high-intensity workout. How? Learn more about The Real Runner™ by visiting this page. In today’s blog post, we’re going to cover a host of common running injuries associated with conventional running - all things that you’ll never have to deal with when you use our low impact cardio workout machine! Let’s take a look.
General Injuries And Running
Running and getting injured is a pretty well-known correlation. Whether you naturally have weak bones, got into an accident that hurt your spine, or simply started to train too hard too fast, some estimate that nearly 80 percent of runners are injured each year. Yikes! The majority of these running-related injuries are most likely caused by overuse - things like applying repeated force (impact) over a long period of time.
Sudden changes in training volume and doing the same type of run every day also contribute to these running-related injuries. The point that we’re trying to illustrate here is that injuries, as they relate to running, have been a major issue in the past and continue to plague those who want to get into better shape.
Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee is an extremely common running-related injury and really prevents many people from being able to handle the high-impact of traditional running. Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), or runner’s knee, refers to the irritation of cartilage on the underside of the kneecap, or the patella. The knee plays such a large role in running-related injuries that roughly 40 percent have something to do with the knee. Patellofemoral pain syndrome can flare up during more times than just running - well after your run is done, and even after sitting down for long periods of time and climbing up and down flights of stairs.
Pretty much anyone with biomechanical factors that put an extra load on the knee are prone to runner’s knee. So, this includes runners, hikers, tennis players, skiers, and so forth - really, many types of activities that involve frequent and repetitive motion with the legs and knees. Additional risk factors for getting runner’s knee include overpronation (excessive inward rolling of the foot when you strike the ground), weak quads, weak hips, and weak glutes.
While it is possible to run through such an ailment, one must do so very carefully - taking extra rest days and reducing your overall mileage is necessary. Because strong gluteal muscles can help fight against runner’s knee, running uphill on a treadmill or another surface is sometimes recommended to work through runner’s knee. Just make sure to pay close attention to how your knees feel, and also keep in mind that running (and even walking) downhill generally causes more stress, pressure and weight on your knees.
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles tendonitis, or the irritation/inflammation of your Achilles tendon, is also a fairly well-known injury related to running. Runners have frequently reported feeling fine several miles into a good run, and then experiencing the feeling of being ‘brought down’ due to the pain on the backside of one (or both) of their feet, despite the fact that their lungs, heart, other muscles, and so forth feel completely fine.
The Achilles tendon is important because it connects the two major calf muscles to the back of the heel. When subjected to too much stress - especially repetitive, impact-based stress - the tendon will tighten and become irritated. Runners who run consistently without taking enough downtime or those who dramatically increase their training distances and intensities are more prone to Achilles tendonitis. The chance of developing Achilles tendonitis is even greater if you frequently train on hills or do speed work. Those with tight, weak calves are also more likely to develop this nasty foot pain.
As with many injuries, running-related or otherwise, the RICE method helps: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. But ultimately, the most effective way to deal with and overcome something like Achilles Tendonitis is what most dedicated runners will absolutely hate to hear: taking time off of the high-impact activity. The less time one puts pressure and weight on the affected area(s), let alone suffer through the constant yet inherent impact of running itself, the quicker their Achilles tendon will strengthen and heal. If the back of your foot or both of your feet flare up with pain mid-way through a run, don’t try to finish it out to hit your ideal distance, even if you’re having an otherwise great, euphoric run - stop immediately before your Achilles tendon worsens!
Issues With The Hamstring
Hamstring issues are frequently associated with many professional sports and physical activities, but pure running acts as a breeding ground for hamstring-related injuries. And, anyone who’s ever gone through severe hamstring issues will tell you that it is not fun to deal with (not that any of these injuries are, of course).
The hamstring represents important muscles that ‘run’ down the back of the thighs. The hamstring helps facilitate important motions like bending the knees, extending the legs, driving up hills, kicking motions, and so much more. If your hamstring has ever been too tight or weak to perform optimally, then the chances are that you’ve probably noticed it, and quickly, too.
Like other running-related complications, hamstring pain typically surfaces because the muscles are too weak, from being too short or too long. Contrary to what one might believe, being overly flexible in general might make you more prone to hamstring issues because over extended or stretched-out muscles are generally more vulnerable to damage. This is why things like dynamic stretching are typically recommended over static or ‘regular’ stretching, because the stretching motions you make actually mirror the motions in your activity of choice, and don’t over-stretch these muscles before they’re actually put to the test. In running, this is especially important.
Having the right amount of flexibility is important to safeguard your hamstring, because overly tight, short muscles are under great tension. A true hamstring pull might leave runners out of the game for months, while a significant overextension could be remedied with a little time off, a muscle roller, or cross-training activities like biking, swimming, hiking, and other things that don’t involve such a high-impact like running - even a brisk walk is a great way to keep the blood flowing and increase your heart rate when you’re recovering from a running-related injury.
All things considered in regard to these common running injuries, you can probably guess what our take is on the situation at The Real Runner…
Avoid These Injuries Before They Even Happen!
We’re not trying to sound too much like Captain Hindsight over here, but the most effective way to deal with, overcome and avoid the issues that come with running is to actually not run at all - well, not in the traditional sense of “shoes-meet-the-pavement.” Instead, get all of the well-known benefits of running without repeatedly striking the ground with your feet - with The Real Runner™, our cardio workout equipment will help you improve cardiovascular endurance, avoid injuries, and preserve your body altogether.
Regardless of your running background, The Real Runner™ is the perfect high-intensity cardio workout solution for anyone. Take the next step to better health and happiness and check out the magic of The Real Runner™ today!