Real Fitness Equipment™ Blog

More Common Running Injuries You’ll Avoid With Our Low Impact Running Machine
It’s no secret that things like frequent physical exercise and a healthy diet support a happy, healthy, and positive life. Thousands of gyms exist around the world, providing equipment to help people get in shape with. Whether you’re on the path to becoming an all-star body builder, looking to join an intramural sports league for fun, or simply looking to drop some weight and get healthier, there’s always a great reason to get active. Well, at The Real Runner™, we believe that our low impact running machine is the best way to obtain the numerous benefits of running without any of the drawbacks that running presents for so many people.
So many people out there have an interest in running, knowing the benefits that come from this intense cardiovascular workout. Some might have even been avid runners in the past, running track competitively in high school or college, only to become burnt out as they grew older. But the main thing that holds countless individuals back from the wonders of this activity is the sheer pain of it all.
Now, earning those miles and breaking personal records were never meant to be an easy experience. After all, you have to work hard to get in better shape and achieve your desired results. But the many injuries associated with running can’t be dealt with by just continuing to run and dealing with the pain. From bad knees to tendon pain and more, physical complications will bring down even the most motivated of individuals, and our product, The Real Runner™, is the ultimate solution to your running woes.
The Real Runner™ Is A Simple And Effective Running Solution
Instead of messing with the right pair of shoes, the right training plan, or the right stretches to do before a run, our low impact exercise equipment presents a simple yet effective solution to an otherwise complex issue for runners. By accurately simulating the running experience without your feet even making contact with the ground, you’ll be able to burn calories, improve cardiovascular endurance and strengthen your muscles without the usual pain that accompanies running.
In another blog post about running-related injuries, The Real Runner™ is going to take a look at even more typical injuries that runners experience - things that would be a problem of the past by using The Real Runner™. Learn more about our company’s history here, and continue reading on below to discover some of the issues that you might be dealing with now in your runs.
Another Common Injury: Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis is a foot complication that all podiatrists frequently help people with. Seeing as running involves our feet constantly absorbing several times our body weight, there’s probably no surprise that about 15 percent of all running injuries involve the foot (if anything, it might be surprising that number isn’t any higher). Plantar fasciitis involves small tears or inflammation of the tendons and ligaments that go from your heel to your toes. It is known to be one of the most noticeable and painful foot injuries, especially for avid runners, causing intense pain on the bottom of the foot with each step that you take. The pain is typically worse the first thing in the morning and then gets more manageable as you put weight on it and circulate blood flow to your feet throughout the day.
Runners with particularly high arches and those with very low arches (flat feet) seem to be particularly vulnerable to plantar fasciitis. This is due to the fact that these foot types that lack an ideal, moderate arch to the foot will cause the plantar fascia to be stretched away from the heel bone. Other causes for plantar fasciitis are extreme pronation (where the foot rolls inward when it strikes the ground) and extreme supination (the foot rolls outward when striking the ground). Like other running-related injuries, ramping up your mileage too quickly can also contribute to plantar fasciitis. Standing on hard surfaces like concrete or hardwood floors for long hours at a time without proper, supportive footwear may also exacerbate the chances of developing plantar fasciitis.
Running through plantar fasciitis is possible, but not recommended, as this may significantly delay the healing process. Ideally, a complete break from running an extended period of time and cross-training with other activities that don’t involve running’s characteristic high-impact qualities can also help one heal from plantar fasciitis. To prevent plantar fasciitis from occurring again, having the right type of orthotic inserts as recommended by a footwear professional or podiatrist can also play a huge role (besides using The Real Runner™, of course!).
The Fabled ‘Shin Splints’
Shin splints are a runner’s natural worst enemy. After all, if you were totally in the zone and crushing a run, only to be suddenly be brought down to a painful walking pace by the pain in your shins and lower legs, wouldn’t you be frustrated? Shin splints can completely kill a run, even when the heart, lungs and other muscles are performing just fine.
The more scientific term for shin splints is ‘medial tibial stress syndrome,’ which refers to an achy pain that results when small tears in the muscles occur in the muscles around the tibia, or your shin bone. Shin splints are estimated to make up roughly 15 percent of all running-related injuries, so it’s a pretty important one to go over. If you’re new to running or you’ve recently returned to pounding the pavement after taking extended time off (to recover from a different running injury or any other reason), then you might notice considerable pain in your shins after a few runs. In these cases, it is unfortunate but natural to experience some extent of shin pain.
Wearing the wrong kind of shoes, constantly running on hard concrete (as opposed to a soft track, grass, dirt, etc.), or rapidly increasing your mileage can all lead to experiencing shin pain. Part of navigating shin splints is simply strengthening your body over time by subjecting it to controlled doses of impact with your feet and the ground. If you’re really being bothered by the pain in your shin(s), you should at least decrease your weekly mileage for awhile until you’re able to jog again while little to no pain in your shins. Again, maybe stick to a grassy area or a nice dirt trail instead of running on your local bike paths so that you’re pounding against a softer, more forgiving surface. Lateral movement might also be something to consider - try picking up a game of soccer, basketball, or another activity that has you shuffling from side to side. The lateral movement uses your muscles differently than repeatedly running in the same direction. Plus, you get to have some friendly, competitive fun in the process.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS)
This runner’s injury concerns the IT band, or the iliotibial band, which runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee. As you run, your knee flexes and extends, causing your IT band to rub on the side of your femur. Over time, this can cause significant irritation of the IT band, or also cause complications if you ramp up your mileage too quickly. Track work and downhill running are also known to exacerbate issues with the knees and the IT band.
If you overpronate when you run, have issues with varying leg lengths, or suffer from a weak hip abductor or gluteal muscles, you might also be more prone to developing something like ITBS. To avoid a full-blown flare up - something that could put you out of running for months - take some rest days, and if you have a good muscle roller, use that along the muscle path of your IT band. Doing exercise routines to strengthen your hip abductors like lateral side steps, side leg lifts, and one-legged squats can also help combat ITBS.
Stress Fractures
We don’t even need to explain to you that fracturing a bone, or anything, for that matter, is a bad thing. However, unlike acute fractures that occur as a result of an event like a slip or fall, stress fractures develop as a result of consistent and cumulative strain on a bone. The shin, feet, and heels are areas of bone that are particularly susceptible to stress fractures for runners. Stress fractures are a serious running-related injury and cannot run through. Recovering from such an injury requires extensive time off from running, for fear that returning to the high-impact activity too soon will cause some real, long-term damage to your bone(s).
Improving your bone density with weight training may help you heal from a stress fracture, depending on the situation. As always, make sure that you’re getting the proper nutrients and daily calories that your body needs to support strong bones and strong overall health. If you’re unsure about the severity or extent of a stress fracture, or any one of these running injuries, for that matter, contact a doctor or sports physiologist about it.
You Have Less To Worry About With The Real Runner™
While it is clear that running can result in a host of complications for the body, the low impact running experience that you’ll get by using The Real Runner™ is a great way to circumnavigate all of these potential complications. Who would want to deal with plantar fasciitis or stress fractures? No one does, but everyone should value their health and cardiovascular endurance. Discover the amazing benefits of The Real Runner™ for yourself today!